Go Baby! Beat Army! An Army-Navy Football Game Baby Book
If you’re a Naval Academy graduate, ally or super fan, you NEED to give this book to every toddler and expecting parent you know.
Future Army-Navy game wins depend on us getting the next generation motivated to Beat Army.
This book is a catalyst to success…
What will this baby book help your children do?
- Learn about the Army-Navy Game
- Get excited about freezing in Philly in early December
- Become champions
- Get a brace
- Square their corners
By reading this book to your children every night, they'll have more focus, grow up better looking, and have a sense of urgency in all areas of life.
Note: The last sentence may not be true. But it just feels right.
The Tradition of the Army-Navy Rivalry
The Army-Navy rivalry is one of the nation's most famous and long lasting college rivalries. But this rivalry goes beyond the football field and is embraced by each school's student body from the first moment they step foot onto campus.
The first thing freshmen (plebes) at the US Naval Academy are taught is to yell, "Go Navy!" and "Beat Army!" every time they turn a corner in their dormitory, Bancroft Hall.
During the football games, the plebes do push-ups every time Navy scores, the midshipmen arrive to the game in a visually powerful march on, and everyone wears their dress uniforms.
As we grow the next generation of midshipmen - our kids, nieces and nephews, friends' kids, grandkids - many of us strive to find a way to share the excitement and tradition of the Army-Navy football game.
Reading books with little ones is an amazing time for connection and shared experience. Let Go Baby, Beat Army! be the beginning of a new Army-Navy tradition!
Go Baby, Beat Army!
The idea for Go Baby, Beat Army! was sparked when Kristen Kavanugh ('02) went on a mission to buy Kathy Borkoski ('01) an Army-Navy baby book for her baby shower. After minutes of googling and hours of Amazon shopping, Kristen was shocked to discover that such a book does not exist.
She began to panic.
How would future generations of Midshipmen learn about the pure joy of beating Army? How would families begin the subtle indoctrination of their children into Navy life before they could read?

So Kristen started writing. And the end result was glorious!
Kathy then took over editing, illustrating, and hiring designers, until finally, Go Baby, Beat Army! was ready for the tiniest new Navy fans.

Start the indoctrination today for just $24.99! Click "I want this!"
By reading this book to your children every night, they'll have more focus, grow up better looking, and have a sense of urgency in all areas of life. Note: The last sentence may not be true. But it just feels right.